Friday, January 16, 2009

Illness strikes again

Once again I am sick with some mysterious illness. Two days ago I went to work with some serious abdominal pain I didn't want to stand up straight or do any stooping and driving my bus was pure torture,thank fully I was clear and didn't have any midday work that would have required me to lift or assist any children more than usual since I drive middle school students. I cam home and felt the chills coming and still felt the pain.So I have been off 2 days with this stomach pain and impending cold. The cold I can deal with,I'll go to work and infect as many people as I can,feeling all the the better for it because "Payback is a Mother!" All the germ carriers that have sneezed and coughed uncovered,Here I Come!

On the knitting front I am making shrugs for my nieces. I made one I just have to figure out what size to make the other,in the mean time im working on house socks.
Until any updates.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I'm back with a finished project.Thuja socks for my youngest nephew,since he wanted socks like mine out of similar yarn,so my sister is going to teach him how to hand wash them so they wont shrink and felt. they were a pretty quick knit since the second sock took less than a week and the first one almost 3. I think I have reverse second sock syndrome or first sock syndrome since I don't know how its going to turn out it goes pretty slow and since I do most of my knitting at work,It takes longer too. Nothing too interesting at work because the majority of the drivers were still on winter break it was very quiet. So Monday it will be fun times for all,the whiners and complainers will be back in full force bitching and moaning about every damn thing under the sun. I guess thats why on my splits I knit and sleep .Until my next post.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Hey Now!

I'm really jazzed that some one has read my blog! Well maybe if I posted a link to it some place someone would have read it besides me,but it's all good anyway.I just hope by posting a response on the Knitman's blog people can learn to be more tolerant and accepting of people no matter what. My kids that I drive I'm sure catch hell about the way they look and the difficulties that they have,but they are mine and I couldnt let them know that I love them all the more for it. I look foward to each day seeing them

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year

Well another year is gone and a new one is upon us. Hopefuly just hopefully I'll try to up date my blog more this year,I finally figured out my problem,I can't remember my logon info so that stops alot of blogging right there,also no one reads it so that would also have something to do with it. I just hope that some interesting things will come along and i'll post more regularly!